Murshida Vera Corda, Ph.D.

Murshid Sam Lectures

* indicates poor sound quality


Select a title to show lecture summary.

History: Kaaba Allah

058a Western Sufi Women 4/7/95 – 4/9/95 (Ora Ray, HIK’s wife)

Murshida Vera is talking about Hazrat Inayat Khan’s wife, Amina Begum. She was born Ora Ray Baker in New Mexico; she became the mother of his four children: Noor-un-Nisa, Vilayat, Hidayat, Khair-un-Nisa. From early childhood Ora Ray showed great strength of will. Ora Ray fell in love with Hazrat Inayat Khan on sight and became a true friend. Hazrat credits Ora Ray; without her he could never have devoted his life to the mureeds and the Sufi Order; she was a being radiating light. Murshida told about her experience under 5 years of age of meeting Hazrat in the spirit body. After marrying Hazrat Inayat Khan Ora Ray went totally into the culture and life of Hazrat, the Islamic and Hindu way. Ora Ray always taught the children that their father was a master and not an ordinary man and every sacrifice had to be made not to disturb him. The family was poor; Ora Ray had the devotion to the message and his way of life, she kept her self in the home and a secluded way of life. Murshida is talking about Hazrat Inayat Khan’s life, Murshid Sam, Murshida Rabia Martin, etc. Ora Ray did not travel with Hazrat but was surrounded by Hazrat’s family; she was in seclusion a lot and took on the light and Holy Spirit practices. Murshida is talking about Noor-un-Nisa’s work as a spy during World War II, her quality of standing on the truth until death, her connection to her mother, the Begum. The early life of Ora Ray is mentioned, her friendship with Hazrat who became her first music teacher; she silently had a great power of attraction to him. Murshida is talking about the visions and inner experience of Hazrat about his future wife, his protector and advisor. Ora Ray told her dream to Hazrat, which became a reality. They became separated; but finally Ora Ray was able to communicate with Hazrat and they married. Murshida is talking about male dominance in the western world.

059a Western Sufi Women 4/7/95 – 4/9/95 Murshida Vera’s early times with Rabia Martin

Murshida Vera is continuing to talk about meeting Hazrat Inayat Khan who taught her about the elements and the elemental breaths, her initiation as a sheika and the robe given to her; standing before the whole community and lecturing about the mineral kingdom. Murshida talks about her background with the minerals as a child. Murshida Vera talks about Murshia Martin deciding to make her a murshida but it had to wait until New Year. Vera found out years later when Pir Vilayat finally came to the U.S.; the Seeds Centers were already operating. Vera was invited for tea and finally met Pir Vilayat. Pir Vilayat told Vera to give the message and she did. Afterwards Pir V told Vera to come to Novato and have tea with him. Taj introduced Vera as Murshida and took her to Pir; he asked Vera to meditate with him. Vera told Taj she was not a murshida but a sheika and Taj told her no she was a Murshida. They had already recognized Murshida Martin’s initiation of her on the inner.

Murshida Martin asked Vera to meet with her at her house every Saturday and taught her about the Egyptian Book of the Dead and the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Murshida Martin came to Kaaba Allah every weekend, after Murshida Martin made Murshida Vera a murshida she gave her the keys to the files on the second floor at Kaaba Allah and told her she could read the entire message. Murshida Vera started her research on the unity of religious ideals and anything about children; mind world, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual; and out of that eventually was written the basis for the Seed Center. Murshida Martin visited Murshida Vera a week before she died, met Murshida Vera’s first daughter, Acey. She gave a lesson and told Vera that Meher Baba, the new living master on this plane and a great Sufi was on the 7th level and asked her to support and aid Murshida Duce. Murshida Vera talks about the after effects of Murshida Martin’s death: Murshid Sam’s mureeds (war veterans) that he gave to Murshida Vera, the passing of Hazel Armstrong, Murshida Duce’s interview, Murshid Sam’s rejection again, Murshid Sam turned over his old work to Murshida Vera, Murshida Vera going to New York city where the Sufi Order had a center. This is the story of how the Sufi message developed in America. Murshida mentions how Hazrat Inayat Khan did all that work in the Sufi volumes in 43 years. Meher Baba never went to Kaaba Allah but went back to India. Murshid Sam came back; then he was gathering his first mureeds from the flower children.

060 Western Sufi Women 4/7/95 – 4/9/95: Cushy Cushing, Kaaba Allah, Murshid Sam, Murshida Vera’s meeting with Hazrat

Murshida Vera is talking about Cushy Cushing who willed Vera her furnishings, etc. at her death. Cushy developed a shorthand of her own and it hasn’t been possible to translate the notes that she took of Hazrat Inayat Khan’s lectures. Murshida is talking about Kaaba Allah with Murshid Sam, Murshida Martin, Sheika Cushing, her young married life in San Francisco and the one to one teaching with Murshida Martin and Sheika Cushing, working with Murshid Sam and the children at Kaaba Allah, visiting the various churches with Sam, working on projects at Kaaba Allah, Murshid Sam singing from Pirates of Penzance, the friendship bench by the rock at Kaaba Allah. Murshida Vera’s advice about the personal contact with mureeds; they must be able to come to you anytime they are in trouble and feel they are entering in a family circle. Murshida is talking about seeing Hazrat Inayat, advertised as the oriental musicians playing the vina in San Francisco when she was about 10 years of age, studying dance with Ruth St. Denis, how she obtained a ticket to Ruth’s concert and saw Hazrat Inayat Khan. Her first encounter with Hazrat was as a young child and the first element she learned from him was air, she saw Hazrat and the three children walking in the cornfield and he came to her and brought her outside to learn about the elements. Later on Pir Vilayat told Murshida at that time the family was together and they walked in the cornfields in France, Murshida was in Modesto California.

Murshida talks about the initiations made by Pir Moineddin that she was invited to participate. Murshida is talking about how women are taken in as second class in the orders, her experience being put at the back wall to pray never to stand with the men and pray. Murshida expresses strongly her conviction that spiritual women in the Sufi orders have the right to evolve and to be recognized with men on an equal basis.

Jerusalem Trilogy Lectures

Murshida Vera Corda presented the following 20 lectures in 1993. They are commentaries and a study guide for Murshid Samuel Lewis' work, The Jerusalem Trilogy.

073a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy (Some distortion on tape)
00:41Magnetism is equalized as a group: working with the magnetic field by cupping hands and inhaling and exhaling to the right.
03:03Introduction to the Trilogy; Murshid Sam concerned about old forms breaking up.
04:30Great plagues; virus diseases.
05:48Malachi; prophet of that day; Lost Book of Prophecy.
06:19Book One based on prophecy of Malachi.
07:47Hazrat Inayat Khan says the God Ideal is inborn in us; mirror of the heart.
08:35Malachi; there is no justice in government; one has to go back to the God ideal in one's own heart.
09:25Vision and inspiration of Fatima and Medjugorje.
11:17Page 17; Meanings of Malachi name: my servant, my messenger of God; time of Malachi is 400 B.C.
12:58If there is no devotion then religion becomes apathy; boredom.
15:35Out of suffering, brotherhood starts.
16:09What is good? What is bad? Days of Malachi; sacrifice the finest.
17:43Good and evil resides in the ways we have of ascertaining priorities in our lives; challenge to individual persons; has to be worked out in the heart of man.
18:58Attitude among the priesthood in days of Malachi; bored; meaningless ritual
20:00Acceptance of divorce.
21:26Mohammed enforced protection for women and children.
22:25Malachi states that this is a farce; this is not the way man should live.
23:03Work of the prophet; sees history of the past; sees clearly land he is walking on, sees the future.
24:26In light of prophesy; the starvation, terrible things happening to earth and land are predictable.
25:50We know little about cycles; sun cycles; sun spots.
28:25Cycles within are own lives we must study.
30:19No way message of Malachi could be understood at the time he gave it; can be understood in the light of the future.
31:43Malachi impressed by indifference of people to God; Day of Judgment.
33:46Breakdown of relationship; priority on keeping afloat or succeeding.
35:52Jerusalem Trilogy reading pg. 17; poems contain keys to a lasting peace; rejuvenation of Jerusalem; rejuvenation in the hearts of man.
36:50Murshid Sam says about Malachi...
38:50Cycling of the same picture in the Holy Land.
41:03Beginning of Book I, The Day of the Lord Cometh, pg. 31; Murshid Sam thought most important wasifas; Er Rahman, Er Rahim; works between solar plexus (2nd chakra emotional) and base of the heart (4th chakra).
44:30Hammered by blocks within our own beings.
45:13Balance between what you feel in the heart and what one intuits.
46:15Depend upon own insights.
46:55Letters of Hebrew alphabet.
48:12Three letters; Aleph, Mem, Shin; Shem is universal light of God; scaffolding of the book.
50:24How prophecy works; man proposes, God disposes.
51:05Murshid Sam's teachings at Kaaba Allah; Murshid Sam as prophet.
51:29Prophets see effects on the future.
53:29Group practice of Er Rahman, Er Rahim.
54:11Fikr; no words just thinking, on the breath.
073b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:37Working on chakras between base of solar plexus (2nd) and base of heart (4th); breath, color visualization, divine wasifas (Er Rahman, Er Rahim).
01:34Group practice with Er Rahman, Er Rahim while walking.
04:01Group sharing of previous practice; Murshida Vera comments.
07:15Divine wisdom works in one's practical life.
13:05No way one can conquer pain in the physical body unless one can stay on the chakra.
14:22Mastery of pain; power of Holy Spirit that comes from Er Rahman, Er Rahim.
19:39Aleph, Mem, Shin (1st three letters of the Hebrew alphabet); first revealed to Abraham.
20:44Power of the glance.
21:50Cobra; with glance visualizes need.
22:54Reading from the Jerusalem Trilogy.
24:04Silence and meditation.
27:10Prophecy fulfilled; things Murshid Sam talked about.
28:34Malachi warned about sins; greatest sin is apathy.
30:44Why does this have to cycle?
32:13Cycling of same flaw in the brotherhood of man.
33:35Hold to your vision; faith in your visions.
34:33Universe is breathing.
34:58Power of breath.
35:43Prophecy; prophet is not a medium; prophecy has it's foundation in history of mankind.
36:42Murshid Sam gave prophecy.
37:08How one understands the tree of life within one's own being.
38:38Have to be aware of what's happening in the cosmos.
42:06Perceive and apperceive.
44:03Receptivity; Murshid Sam received in early days when he was walking, climbing a tree; verify what he was receiving.
44:57If one walks in the Master's steps much comes to one.
074a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
28:29Know the prophet in the essence of Murshid Sam. Going with Murshid Sam in the 30's, traveling around the city; light of his spirit coming through; his grandfather.
31:46Wasifas Murshid Sam gave at that time in the glossary: Akhlak Allah Al-hamdu Lillah, Allah, Allahu, Allah Hayy.
38:40Practices in the early days with Murshida Martin and Murshid Sam.
41:38Building the wall of the temple; going though the experiences of Malachi.
42:53Walk of Murshid Sam.
45:05Walk of Malachi.
47:00Reading the 2 pulses.
074b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:01Refined water breath.
3:56Er Rahman, Er Rahim practices.
6:38Etheric Breath.
11:00Effect of breath
12:13"Be It" – Murshid Sam teaching.
15:43Inviting earth to come to God (pg.89); knowing our own breath.
23:08Can see God in the flesh; own God ideal realized within oneself.
24:56Flow of blood through man's veins.
26:17Crucifixion of Al Ghazali.
30:00Praises for power, Allaho Akbar – peace is power, power is peace.
32:54Elijah, YHVH.
34:54Murshid Sam and Murshida Vera as young Sufis, writing symbols.
36:34Mushaahidah – contemplation in the heart.
38:50Symbols of the serpent.
39:57Nafs (serpent coiling into lower self).
46:29Ya Fattah.
47:58Murshid Sam gave this work as a prophecy.
49:10Ya Nur (light ) in the water element; light teachings – ladder to the presence of God.
51:46Practice of glorifications to God.
075a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
2:20Allaho Akbar group practice.
3:30Subhan Allah group practice.
4:08Al-hamduLillah practice.
4:56singing Allaho Akbar.
7:08Murshida Vera gives practices; practice of the presence (Akhlak Allah); power practices: Allah, Allah Mansur, Allaho Akbar, Allah Hu, Allah Hayy. For balance: Er Rahman, Er Rahim; for love: Ishq Allah.
9:15Zikr – denial of the existence of any god except God itself.
10:20Nafs; to become poor in spirit and soft in breath.
12:13Politics, peace in the Holy Land.
13:52Saladin begins on page 131.
17:40Goals as small prophesies.
20:17Murshida Vera uses Akhlak Allah – reviewing my day in the presence of God, extending goals to tomorrow.
23:00Er Rahman, Er Rahim; transfer peace to another person.
075b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:27Man's will, God's will.
00:47Mastery of breath, mastery of the winds.
07:49Sword of the winds, vibration takes over.
08:40Welding and crossing of the swords (pg. 139).
12:09Murshid Sam's prophesy.
15:18Welding of the swords "Allah the merciful does not fail".
18:43Murshid Sam's personal prophesy of Jerusalem.
076a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
Intro to the Book of Saladin
01:30Fana fi Sheikh – the everlasting gate.
05:29We live and breath within the divine being.
07:35Poetry of Saladin – shows quality of Murshid Sam's soul, the unity.
07:56Murshid Sam established work when Pir Vilayat came – unity of the message of Hazrat Inayat Khan.
08:34Murshida Martin appointed by HIK as the head of the work in America.
09:00HIK gave to Murshid Sam – to guide, guard and watch over Murshida Martin.
09:55After the death of Murshida Martin.
10:10Murshid Sam went on with his own work.
10:28Murshida Vera meeting with Murshid Sam.
10:55All things should be done for the unity (SLewis).
12:32Saladin begins: To teach peace in the Holy Land.
13:30Murshid Sam real insight into peace in the Holy Land.
13:48Saladin was a real person; a Sultan at the time; the Christian attitude of total forgiveness and unity of religious ideals.
15:45Murshid Sam – sing to Allah; the breath, joy of heart, vibration from singing, overcome all fears.
17:50One remedy – sing Ya Allah to sing to become triumphant over one's own fears and negativity; enable to see universal light.
18:43Group singing "Ya Allah".
20:07"Ya" salutation in all wasifas.
24:48Murshid Sam doing something very physical used "Ya Allah" on fikr assir; inhale to crown, exhale to heart.
28:55Glorifications of God practices (verbal, mental, silence).
29:25Murshid Sam – AlhamduLillah practice; one should be grateful for what one has.
30:06In healing, thank God for what one has yet to receive.
32:37Glorification practices as a group: Ya Shafee, Ya Khafee practice.
34:43Subhan Allah practice.
37:30AlhamduLillah practice.
39:44Allaho Akbar practice; peace is power.
41:41Murshid Sam's second most important practices after Allah are the glorifications.
42:07Sheikha Kushy Kushi – glorification practices.
43:14Power of the sigh – empowers practice, relaxation and acceptance. Murshid Sam and Murshida Vera were trained to do the sigh.
44:51Beginning of building the mosque or temple within oneself, within one's own heart.
47:29What is true in Islam – have to be true to higher self.
50:03Jihad of the heart – Murshid Sam's purification of the heart; open passageway or channel from core of the heart to fontanel.
51:58Jihad of the tongue; what you say you show with your acts.
53:01True Jihad – one who fight the evils within oneself.
53:22Murshid Sam in state of perfect attunement of Mohammed when writing Saladin.
54:46Fighting evil within oneself.
57:01Lesser Jihad – puts it to work in the world.
076b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:35Jihad of the heart, Jihad of the tongue, Jihad of the swords; rights of religion.
00:58Swords of the prophet (pg. 134).
04:10"China came to my door", Nyogen Sen Saki hiding in S.F. in Chinatown.
09:13Sword of Metal (pg. 135) needle draws out fibers, makes into cloth, draws people together.
12:28Sword of Wood – sprig gets down roots - can move mountains.
12:49Acorn planted on the rock at Kaaba Allah by Murshida Vera; friendship bench at the rock at Kaaba Allah.
14:55Qualities of the sword of wood.
18:04Qualities: bears brunt of inner and outer battles; builds floors; holy rood (wood used to build the cross of Jesus) saved the Messiah; Jesus did not die on the cross.
24:10Sword of Water (pg. 137)
27:00John the Illustrator- uses water as spirit to pass on baraka/blessing to people.
28:44Blessing of water for purification.
30:00Water brings joy; it pierces deep within a person, passes through all surfaces, qualities to sing and dance, changes what it passes through.
33:57Water in our practices: Ya Wahabo, source of river of life.
35:52Ya Wahedo, back to the source of life.
40:23All swords must apply to our lives.
42:13Swords in the Jerusalem Trilogy are a real teaching, profound teaching.
42:59Sword of Fire (pg. 138); new sword of the heart; purpose is to penetrate, spirit that passes through all, doesn't destroy a single thing.
46:31Seen as spirit, something which purifies; it brings creativity; lifts into a higher octave (light).
48:50Sword of fire walk.
50:44Sword of the Wind.
51:26Janus; work of American Indians.
52:17Power of winds; directions in our lives.
52:37Jerusalem Trilogy reading of Sword of the Wind (pg. 138).
53:45Work of the Janus and understanding the winds; inner vision of purpose of the winds (bring into our beings, carry out).
54:45Control of pain through sword of the winds; refined breath.
56:46Test of the winds; true will of God coming in.
077a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
03:30Christians concerned with souls of man.
05:30Third section of this chapter; (page 146).
07:02Salt of the earth; (page 278).
08:40Jihad of the heart; Saladin gave back what he took in spoils during war; (page 147).
10:41Gratitude, glory and majesty of the One; (page 149/50).
12:00Jihad against the unfaithful.
14:00Truth of the One God.
14:22Know Allah, the One.
15:29Glorifications: four practices; Shafee, Khafee, SubhanAllah, AlhamduLillah, Allaho Akbar.
16:51Subhan Allah, the path of light for you.
17:52AlhamduLillah; contemplative prayer; thanking God for what you are asking as if already granted; asking for needs.
21:17Allaho Akbar; taught by Sam as the peace wasifa.
22:29Under Murshida Martin tutelage.
23:10Murshid Sam living the work at Kaaba Allah in the 30's to 60's; American path of the Sufis in the western world; this time when the glorifications were being done.
26:40Page 150.
27:20Christian used Kyrie Eleison.
28:40Every sacrifice should be made for the unity (Mur. Sam); oneness is essence of Islam.
29:45Battle of Mecca at the time of Mohammed.
30:58Mohammed gives one to one time to his wives.
32:10Mohammed's goal to bring unity and brotherhood of man.
35:50Prayers of Saum, Salat, Khatum.
37:04Mohammed came as the last of the prophets; seal on the prophets.
39:27Murshid Sam taught re brotherhood.
42:58Practices to restore prophets.
44:26Real meaning of AlhamduLillah.
44:47Well of Zem, Zem.
46:05God resides in the heart of man.
46:44Wonders of the Kaaba; (page 152).
48:20Kaaba; the black stone in Mecca; black stone goes back to the earth mother.
49:20Greeks believe Aphrodite sat upon the black stone; impress in the black stone.
51:19Individual path in the heart of the individual man.
51:40Light in the heart may guide one.
51:55Murshid Sam questions.
53:55Reads from the Trilogy; (page 155).
56:40The story of Rumi and Shams.
077b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
01:12Murshid Sam and Vera were both taught that the lesser ego is to be erased.
04:01Murshida Vera's last visitation with Murshid Sam.
05:21Murshid Sam attained mastery; he said to his disciples from now on you will address me as Murshid.
07:18There is the tarikat; (page 162 reading).
08:23Kaaba Allah; rock in Fairfax, Calif.
12:18Experience is the key to the Sufi message.
14:08As-Salaam Aleikhum American greeting; read Bk. 2, Journey through the Heavens for next time.
16:04The Trilogy is a tremendous book; the story of an individual prophet, which is Murshid Sam.
16:43Murshid Sam received the pure inspiration from the angelic planes. (distorted tape after 18:00)
078a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
01:22Thresholds of kingdoms; unlimited outlook; barzakh is the threshold.
01:58Cosmic dove, symbol of the Holy Spirit; Quddus practices .
02:30Spirit of the Phoenix.
03:11Sun cycles, sun spots.
04:22Power of the Holy Spirit.
07:24Moses; parting of the seas.
10:11Powers of the breath; (pg. 166).
12:35Fire element; destruction of base fire; rising to other chakras; regurgitation through mind; interests, etc.
16:16Allah created infinitude of conditions.
19:26Murshid Sam's practices of Allah, Allahu; (page 167) .
21:13Man builds his own God ideal.
23:32Allahu; source of divinity; source of divine power.
25:25Training of Allahu with first Murshida.
28:29Trilogy is profound poetry; that which presides behind the worlds.
32:00Reading the Trilogy; elephant trap trail; (pg. 168).
37:45Illumination on this plane.
38:38Heaven of Joseph; (pg. 169 reading).
41:06Er Rahman, Er Rahim; philosophy of Murshid Sam.
43:33HIK to Sheikh Kushy Kushi (first generation mureed; first secretary on tours to U.S); given the glorification practices; "Do until the day you die".
45:20Contemplative prayer, based on gratitude.
48:30Reasons for dwelling on ignorance; (pg. 170 reading).
49:18Contemplative prayer; prays ahead for vision seen as already accomplished.
51:33Infancy Seed Schools; turning screaming, crying babies.
53:36Understanding of Adam and Eve story in the Garden of Eden.
54:24Murshid Sam is two characters throughout the Trilogy; Sultan Saladin and Murshid Sam himself.
55:38We must first love ourselves...
57:48Quddus practices; rain that falls from heaven.
078b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
01:16Reading pg. 172.
01:49"There is no sin as great as tension"...
02:22Expectations and rewards, forgiveness of self, redeemed by mercy of God.
03:23Play of light (pg. 172).
03:41Pg. 173.
04:09The Heavens of Joseph (pg. 173); pure land.
04:55God does not punish.
06:30Murshid Sam, flower children.
09:08All the creation is nothing outside of Allah; (pg. 174).
12:57Jesus the Messiah came to restore (pg.175).
14:03Learn to pray for forgiveness.
16:00Significance of heavens of Jacob, the ladders of light through the spheres.
17:37Let go and let be (pg.175).
18:56Reading from Trilogy; (pg. 176).
20:44How joy is attained.
22:11Manna mentioned in the Bible.
24:36Heaven of Isaac reading; (pg. 179).
25:55Speaks of the Dances of Universal Peace symbolically.
26:44The promise; (pg. 180).
28:27Shadows dispelled by the light of vision.
29:29Joy; the most wonderful aspect of the Sufi message.
30:47Practices: Ishk Allah Mabood L'Allah, AlhamduLillah.
34:30Read pg. 187-217.
34:59Divisions of light and darkness; (pg. 187).
35:54The coming of the Holy Spirit, Quddus practices.
37:00Fikr, Fakir, Contemplation; absorbing exercise, silent mulling it over; (pg. 189).
39:05Power of the Holy Spirit.
40:40First chakra; opposite pole to throat center.
079a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
01:00Each man builds his own paradise and heaven.
01:36Maqaams; stations of Sufi progress; expansion of heavens in our own consciousness.
02:04There is no hell; (Pg. 166).
02:44The laws of morality and physical being are not different; they are the same.
04:10Elephant track trail.
04:54We are responsible for the evolution of our soul.
07:53Reading from Trilogy, "If the heart...".
09:26Counting of blessing, key to successful contemplation and contemporary prayer.
11:38All kinds of judgment; all depends upon the mercy of God; (pg. 170).
12:13There is no hell; hell is a concept.
16:40Murshid speaking in two voices in the book.
18:50Reading from Trilogy – higher self speaking to lower self.
19:11Reading from Trilogy– what to expect when entering heaven.
20:11There is no sin as great as tension...
21:48Mur. Vera learned from Mur. Sam at Kaaba Allah about reading good poetry at night.
25:05Breath, blessings of the atmosphere; (pg. 172).
26:56Reading from Trilogy; God does not punish.
27:34Murshid Sam at Mentorgarden; terrible skin rash, desecrated nervous system.
30:26Sam wept.
30:52The twelve doors that open.
32:20Greeting of recognition of the brotherhood.
32:55Gate of the Tauba; the door to the heart.
34:26The state of joy; wisdom comes before joy.
36:00Flash of light between the lines that we read.
37:37Listen to the still small voice within.
39:01You see that joy permeates everything.
39:40Inner vision.
39:59Why we work and strive the daily tests of life.
40:05Reaching these state of maqaam; light; joy.
40:47Reading from Trilogy pg. 177.
43:47All tension has to go.
45:03Happiness comes.
45:47Another heaven entered; doing practices over and over.
47:48Look at foreheads, smiling foreheads.
49:02Reading from Trilogy pg. 179.
51:57The group doing the Allah dance.
55:43Reading from Trilogy pg. 180; the promise.
57:40Reading from Trilogy pg. 181.
079b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:52Memory of Mur. Sam as young girl (Mur. Vera); amazing Sufi people.
03:50The soul emancipates; reading pg. 182.
07:45Within every man there resides that genius; we all become messengers.
10:05What is divine wisdom; reading pg. 186.
10:45Reciting wasifa, Ishk Allah Mabood L'allah, AlhamduLillah.
12:00Sufi lullaby.
16:45Murshid Sam climbing of the mountain.
18:36Voice of the turtledove, voice of the Holy Spirit, Quddus practice, lips almost closed, buzzing sound.
21:08Reading from Trilogy; silence gives rise to love.
21:28Name of God repeated, Illa l'allahu practice.
23:38Hu practice opens up channel.
25:23Experiences gives one courage to go on; gates open.
26:00Within our senses there are other senses.
27:57Heavenly Jerusalem music.
30:48Reading from Trilogy; Fana fi Sheikh; effacement in the spiritual teacher.
31:37Unity doctrine; Reading pg. 192.
33:15State of unity; takes away all judgment; takes away all distinctions and differences.
34:30State of Fana-fi-sheikh; oneness of entire creation.
35:48There is no comparison; oneness of the Divine Being.
37:29Never arriving at...
38:12No such thing as an individual or kingdom that doesn't evolve.
39:01As man evolves...
41:10Royal Mushaahidah.
43:56Each man builds his own God ideal.
48:06Read to understand Sam better; pg. 211 Sam's revelations, Sam's credo.
50:20Trilogy is the spiritual experience of Murshid Sam; heart connected to soul of man that carries us through the twelve doors of heaven.
080a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
01:10Two kinds of knowledge; ignorance is not to be tolerated.
03:48Who is God.
04:24Saladin speaking: criticism of Christianity where is mercy and tenderness of Jesus' teaching.
05:17Saladin questions phrase "Lord have mercy".
08:08Behind Saladin is Murshid Sam; Murshid Sam agreed with all these things.
08:24Questioning the meaning of hell, idea of eternal punishment.
13:01Humanity is learning about brotherhood.
13:34Power of the archangels; Gabriel guided Mohammed.
14:50Broad Sufi teaching; seven planes of angels, jinn plane, rays coming from light, power of sun and shadow.
16:49Hebrew, Christianity, Islamic angels; environment they live in deeply influences what they are and how they operate.
19:15Saladin speaks of Allah.
20:15Great difficulty in our time, poor father image.
24:18Reading from Jerusalem Trilogy pg. 225; the soul is all the same...
25:35Hazrat Inayat Khan teaches that the pattern of a lifetime is made in the first five years.
30:34Rejuvenation of the women's rights and the goddess teachings.
31:46Murshid Sam was above all a very truthful person.
32:47Reading from the Jerusalem Trilogy pg. 225.
33:52Grace cathedral concert; vested women priests.
35:03Great change in orthodoxy in our time; brotherhood.
37:51Jerusalem was the Holy City.
38:53Murshid Sam never gave Jesus teaching in comparison to the Koran teaching
39:04At Kaaba Allah, Murshid Sam taking children to Sunday schools; equal appreciation for different religions.
41:24There will be no peace until there is a unification of the Holy city of Jerusalem.
44:14Reading from Trilogy pg. 226; mankind itself is a brotherhood...
50:00Murshid Sam was above all else a student all the days of his life.
080b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:30Ideal must be built in the individual man (Saladin).
01:55All men should be forgiven by God (Saladin).
03:13New ethic and moral code has to grow after the millennium.
04:20Words not necessarily truth; truth has to be learned by praising the God ideal we build within ourselves.
07:09People have forgotten the masters, saints and prophets who have gone before.
08:01Reading from Trilogy chapter three, pg. 234.
08:30Trinity teaching.
08:44Murshid Sam's idea of the Trinity; have to give goddess teaching, enfala – lump of earth without features; first image of goddess.
09:41Yoni, first symbol; black stone in Mecca.
10:14Impress in middle of black stone; Aphrodite.
12:06Reading from Trilogy pg. 235; inner peace.
13:37Healing the body pg. 236.
16:54In your world there is absence of brotherhood.
17:37Murshida Vera comments on the greatest sermons ever read in the Trilogy.
22:17Serving Allah.
22:33Rebuild trust.
25:05All mankind has an Achilles heel; no weak body part can sustain itself without support of stronger parts.
26:19Reading from Trilogy; pg. 239.
27:28Understanding our individual purpose; opportunity for every person.
28:54Trilogy reading pg. 240; states of consciousness.
30:44In Islam, there is internal religion...
31:28The reason we must have a guide.
31:57Individual's God ideal enables one to recognize the divine attributes in ancestry.
34:52The unity, the brotherhood of man.
35:32One will never see distinctions and differences in inner experience.
37:35Murshid Sam preaches roots and teaches scaffolding.
38:26So many answers to where I am going.
42:02Must reach the pearl of great light.
42:58There is no God but God; Hu is Hu.
45:04Oneness; illumination.
46:12Wasifa practice; La Illaha el Allahu; Allahu, Hu .
081a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
Book Four, Last Chapters of the Trilogy; Triumph of Egypt
01:12Mercy and wisdom teachings.
03:53Tenth century, Sultan Saladin came, seek and resurrect all teachings of the Revelation.
05:36Going back to 1st chapter (pg.33) Moses came to restore truths.
06:11 & 07:10Glance, perceive infinity of space.
08:08Silence, teaching in Trilogy.
11:07One of great tests; how do I know I'm doing the right thing.
11:49Divine command on the inner.
12:38Maqaam means place; grades of evolution.
13:05Hal; divine experience.
13:46Five pillars of Islam; first is unity.
14:15Murshid Sam's real test came when asked to hand over everything to Pir Vilayat; Murshida Rabia.
15:19First pillar of unity was paramount in Murshid Sam's life.
16:10Hard decisions had to be made by Murshid Sam.
17:01Murshid Sam handing over work to European teacher; unity.
17:37Unity is first pillar of Islam.
18:24Second pillar of Islam; fasting.
21:06Fasting is a fact in western Sufism.
23:02Third pillar; giving of alms.
25:54Fourth pillar; prayer.
26:29HIK boiled down the five prayers to Saum, Salat, Khatum.
28:57Last pillar of Islam is pilgrimage.
081b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:06YHVH – most sacred Hebrew name.
00:50Adonai; substitute for YHVH today.
01:07Abraham; heart qualities, patriarch.
02:09Islam, binds you to the will of Allah.
03:06We must consciously be bound to the will of Allah; sacrifice.
04:46Murshida Hyatt's home saved from fire in Berkeley.
07:10Murshid Sam points to brotherhood teaching; symbol of the presence of God; life stream that connects all people.
09:48Jerusalem Trilogy is the summation of Murshid Sam's life's work.
10:58Jerusalem Trilogy reading; pg. 33.
11:20Gaze at infinity of space.
11:48Prayer of Moses.
12:25Murshid Sam speaking to the Divine Presence.
12:46Jerusalem Trilogy reading; pg. 35.
14:10Lands where water is scarce.
16:03The three ways of Alif prophecy; pg. 36.
17:57Jerusalem Trilogy reading.
18:58J.T. readings pg. 37: Aleph, Mem, Shin.
19:43Jerusalem Trilogy pg. 39; the covenant will be sectored when man alters their hearts; what is going on in the Holy Land today.
21:11Work of the Jerusalem Trilogy is pure truth.
21:25Murshid Sam never teaches anything that doesn't come from the prophets.
27:00Message of the prophets is for all times.
27:30Jerusalem Trilogy reading pg. 41; Jeremiah, riches.
29:19Ways of the spirit, light, pg. 44.
30:50Pg. 45, Or (light), Shem (light of God).
082a Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
01:31Teaching of American Sufism; fallen angels.
02:15Manifesto is a character of the minds of man.
02:51Hell is created by man's thought forms.
04:22Return, repent, change abepent, change abepent, change ab42 Jerusalem Trilogy reading pg. 56/57; the law of Aleph, the light of Shem.
15:29Allah practice, Akhlak Allah, act in manner of God; all hearts focused.
16:17Follow the silence; the silence that follows the glorification to Allah; that is the presence of God in Murshid Sam's teaching.
17:19Murshid Sam gave the practice of Al-hamduLillah; the state of joy.
18:12Practice of Al-hamduLillah.
19:45Murshid Sam's tree practice.
22:34Self-fulfillment is different than the presence of God.
22:49Practice of tree connecting with earth and sky; mother/father, jelal/jemal teaching.
24:01Attaining to a good self-image.
25:45Depth of heart; difference of base of heart and upper heart.
27:15Try to hang on to the moment of silence following a high zikr; oneness.
28:00Murshid Sam always practiced.
29:32Murshid Sam teaches Allah very differently: all mercy, all compassion, cherisher; the light of heaven and earth.
30:53Murshid Sam's other favorite practice; Allaho Akbar; peace is power.
082b Commentary/ Study Guide on the Jerusalem Trilogy
00:37Murshid Sam's teaching power is peace if understood completely.
01:18Murshid Sam gave the practice of Allahu; practice of the dervishes.
01:56Allahu Hayy; modern western teaching brings it into your life.
02:43Murshida Vera always ends all her practices with Allahu Hayy.
03:49Murshid Sam's greatest mission to feed all men food and to feed all men spiritually.

Other Murshid Sam Lectures

127a The Path of the Oracle

Murshida Vera talks about her initiation with Murshid Sam and her early work with Murshida Rabia Martin. She discusses the beginning of WW2 and the work being done at Kaaba Allah with Murshid Sam. At that time, all of Murshid Sam’s work with the children was done in nature. The earliest work that Murshid Sam gave to those called to the work of the oracle was to work in trees. In the 70’s the oracles who were named by Murshid Sam in his lifetime and lived in the area began to meet regularly in Murshida Vera’s room. They studied the Greek Oracular work. At some point Pir Vilayat asked Murshida Vera to stop the oracular work outwardly. The work did not stop on the inner plane as the receptivity still came through.

The work has gone on silently, quietly, and inwardly. Murshida Vera considers the 30 years working under Murshid Sam’s guidance to be the greatest privilege that an individual could have. She describes Murshid Sam with natural oracular ability that resided within his soul and spirit; far ahead of his time. There were 10 years when Murshid Sam went through the madzub stages. With the oracular work, there was so little that Murshid Sam read and such great prophecy that he gave on it. Murshid Moineddin asked for the work of the oracle to again be brought forth. The message is given to the feminine within the masculine; it is given to the balancing of the two polarities. This is the time to restore the oracular work, listening within and following oracular reception. Murshida discusses what is the definition of the oracle; it is a receptivity of the heart. Murshida talks about personal experiences with the messages of the archangels as the messengers of God. She discusses the mysticism of sound in the rustling of the leaves of the red oak tree, etc.

127b The Path of the Oracle - continued

Murshida discusses the sounds that come through with the breathing practice of Shagal. The earth goddess has always been connected to the oracular work. The oracular work needs a sanctuary; Murshida feels the sanctuary should be in nature. It’s important to be familiar with the goddesses; Isis, Danu, Demeter & Persephone, Yamanji, Freyja, Sancty, Maya, Quan Yin, Mary, Branwen,. The oracular is to be restored by going back to Kabbalah. Perception by the eyes of the intellect is the true oracular work. The importance of purification of the breath, purity of the word, purity of thoughts, purity of mind for the oracular work is presented. Practices of contemplation of the kingdoms of nature, of the elements are discussed. Contemplation in the search for beauty and purity has to precede all others if the oracular work is to be restored and be valid. The work of faith is presented. Our belief in the validity of our receptivity must be restored. Validity means to prove to yourself in the silence by your inner reasoning, individual work within. The temple must be built within; built from the light practices, which come from the connection with the Holy Spirit. No one becomes an oracle who does not learn to give freely of what one has. The oracular work is part of the glory and beauty of the Divine Being. Murshida shares her experience with the golden hawk and glance of the hawk flying next to her car. The foundation of the oracular work is in Kabbalah. The necessity of concentration and visualization for anything that is accomplished within the order is discussed to clarify the path and unify the direction that must be followed. One must learn to recognize symbols in nature.

128 The Path of the Oracle continued

Recognizing the spirit behind the soul enables one to find the path and goal of the soul. How are we going to restore the oracular work that has been lost for thousands of years? Murshida sees that we need to find the foundations of the oracular work from Hazrat Inayat Khan. We have to see the life in all forms, the light of the Nur Manower. One doesn’t come in contact with the presence of the divine being in the Sufi message unless one has listened inwardly. The heart must constantly reach upward as it says in the prayer, Khatum. The oracle must only give out messages on the new moon phase as the light makes the path clear. The importance of meditative prayer, the realization of the Christ as a spirit, forgiveness, differences and distinctions, the unity of the presence of God, etc. are discussed. Murshida answers questions posed by the group.

162 Mendocino Camp 7/28/77 Goals and Values/ Murshid Sam History *

Murshida Vera is speaking of values given to children; values are necessary and when values collapse, civilization collapses. Hazrat Inayat Khan’s society was very different from the United States; when he came to the United States he hoped to give the message through the mysticism of sound but only found a handful that understood his message. When he came back the second time, he toured as a musician in conjunction with other arts and that is when Murshida Vera first saw him physically at a Ruth St. Denis’ recital. When initiated in those days, it was a closed group of people; Murshid Sam met Hazrat and had interviews; the personal interviews Murshid Sam had with Hazrat definitely set the course of his life because it put him in charge of protecting Murhida Rabia Martin. Murshida is speaking about when she first met Murshid Sam. At that time, the attitude of the mureed to the teacher didn’t have to be preached about, as the person bringing the message was kept quite secret. Murshid Sam developed relationships with a few disciples; he socialized, played, traveled and with some worked with them. When Pearl Harbor happened, all of the young Sufis joined forces re the war; overnight many families broke up. The whole brotherhood divided up and only came together again when Murshid Sam began his work with the flower children. At this time Murshida Vera saw real change in Murshid Sam’s value system; two value systems collapsed, those of the pre-war and those of the young people. When Murshid Sam came into the flower children scene he said there is a long hard way and a short way; the long way one carries it for all time. Murshid Sam felt people had to be fed in more than one-way, oneness of heart. This brought about a whole new generation; children of the Seed Centers, etc. Murshida is speaking of how children’s value system is based totally on their impression of you that radiates in light and love. What one is searching for lives within one’s own heart and that light has to find its’ way out. All Sufi wasifas and all the teachings have come back to the same source and evaluation system; the answers come from the silent search within for one’s own truth and one’s own value system; this can be aided greatly by our spiritual teachings. There are 5 bodies within each person, over the 5 bodies there are guardian angels, prototypes, and behind that the divine light and behind that the mysticism of sound. These are the things, which are the basis of the value system within the Sufi community. Commitment is one of the great basic things in spiritual life, commitment that we are willing to take a step forth into the unknown. Murshida speaks of Murshid Sam again. We must find the step forward that leads to the path of light. One is always on route; relax into Toward the One.

194b Happiness; Murshid Sam; Hazrat Inayat Khan 1/13/85 *

Murshida discusses the joy and happiness within the being of Murshid Sam. It was part of the motivation of the spirit that charged his soul. Murshida Vera gives the keys to happiness by Hazrat Inayat Khan. Inayat Khan describes happiness as our birthright; true happiness depends upon spirit. HIK taught that learning to listen to one’s intentions as it rises into the thought form from the heart’s core brings happiness. Murshida Vera discusses what spiritual attainment means. Silence is happiness; the virtue behind the action brings happiness.