Murshida Vera Corda, Ph.D.

Crystals Lectures

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134a Beginning with Crystals

Murshida Vera answers some questions about crystals. Murshida discusses the paired crystals for use in the balance of the chakra’s, right and left side, mind and heart. Murshida discusses how to determine whether the crystal is a right or left-handed crystal. Murshida works with paired crystals across left and right brain at the temple, across the inner eye, coming down to the throat chakra, to the seat of the thyroid, to the top of the heart chakra, to the solar plexus, to the sexual organs, to the knee joints, ankle joints, under the toes. Everything that you do with the crystal must relate to the earth. Murshida discusses the light crystals kept in sunlight, which are best used as a single crystal. Murshida uses the double terminate crystal on the fontanel (hypothalamus and pituitary glands). The crystal has to speak to you and it speaks by reflecting light to the glance. A dream crystal is a double terminate and it has to be clear. Murshida discusses the new moon and the tides and it’s application for positive concentration and healing. The different kinds of crystals and their use are discussed.

134b Beginning with Crystals continued

Murshida Vera is discussing phantoms in crystals. The crystal is empathetic to the suffering of the patient as this particular crystal suffered in it’s birthing process. The programming of the paired crystals for specific use in healing is presented. Sea salt is used and the crystals are buried overnight in sea salt. The next day, the crystals are put in running water (spring water) to clarify. Now the crystal is ready to be programmed as described by Murshida Vera. The base of the crystal is always connected to its matrix within mother earth. We talk to our crystals by the breath through concentration, contemplation and internal prayer, exhaling Hu into the top of the crystal. The crystal is kept in a cotton bag with the base to the bottom towards the earth. Crystals are intimates, tuned to your inner being. Murshida discusses using crystals with patients who are in need of healing. The crystal is a receptor, a receiver and an amplifier. It amplifies that which is our own programming; it lifts vibration into the light. Meditating into the clear crystal is great to learn the limitations of our beings. Murshida Vera leads the group in a crystal meditation. “ Thy light is in all forms, Thy love is in all beings”.

093a Learning to Work with your Crystals 9/28/1991

Murshida Vera leads the group in practices: Ya Basit, Ya Nur, Ya Nur Ya Manower, Ya Nur Ya Musawwir. Murshida works with the crystal wand toward the aura with the group participants to diagnose the problem. Then, the wand is used to clear the problem by spinning the wand away from the aura. Always clear your breath when working from one person to the next. Start with the invocation and the purification breaths.

093b Learning to work with Crystals continued

The angels and archangels have the positive angelic attributes: Aniel – carrying the message from God directly to you. Ariel is the angel of light; one cannot work with crystal healing for long without having experiences with Ariel. The queen of all angels is the Blessed Virgin Mary; whose purpose is the constant prayer for the salvation of the souls of persons on this plane. Always work on the positive affirmation. Asbugot - one must have strength, Gabriel ( Jibril) – angel of annunciation, communication, faithful spirit gives trust which we see through intuition; St Michael, the archangel of compassion.

The fluoride crystals, which are pure quartz crystals, are used to balance the chakras. Murshida Vera describes the movements one uses with the fluoride crystal on the body for balancing the chakras.

The double terminate: crystals with inclusions, double terminate inclusions is a teaching crystal. These crystals have to be listened to. These crystals work on the flat side; they break up energy blocks.

094a Learning to work with crystals continued

Murshida Vera describes how to program a double terminate crystal. If the area between the base of the heart and the solar plexus is blocked it must be released. The power of the crystal (the double terminate) will work to unblock that area. In programming a crystal always use the light of the inner eye (the glance) and spring water.

Murshida talks about working with a rainbow crystal; they are a teaching crystal for the individual who have them. The rainbow crystal enables you to remain pure within yourself. It is used at eye level, gazing at the rainbow. Close the eyes and press the rainbow crystal to the inner eye. Allow the crystal to speak to you and use a positive affirmation, “I am the fulfillment of the divine purpose”. It triggers the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. It is very good if one is discouraged. It brings transformation, self-love and expansion.

094b Learning to work with crystals continued

Single terminates and clusters: clusters can be put in a sunny window and they absorb the light. Murshida describes working with a negative photo and crystals in healing. Chronically ill patients usually don’t have positive attitudes if they’ve lived with illness for a long time. Using positively charged crystals on the pulses of the patient is beneficial.

095a Learning to work with crystals continued

Murshida is discussing trusting one’s intuition when working with crystals. One has to trust the inner voice and the impression that you have. It’s important to protect the crystals after purifying them and program them with our breath, concentration and the vibrations of our body, knowing their purposes, their intent. After programming they must be kept in cotton fabric. California sage and southwest cedar are good to keep with the crystals. The tabby crystals (wider at one end and narrower at the other) are called connecting communicators; they’re telepathic communicators. They have to be used flat and have tremendous power to endure. They can be used in contemplation on symbols within crystals. Soul level communication using the tabby crystal, using the rose quartz from the crown to the third eye for contemplation, visualization and concentration is described. Murshida Vera describes a powerful crystal with an engraving of a tiny triangle on the surface of the crystal. Gazing is discussed and learning to gaze has a lot to do with the intuitive revelation within the crystal. The new moon is a good time to gaze at the crystal.

095b Learning to work with crystals continued

Murshida Vera is describing some crystals that have engravings on the outside of the crystal which are the keys that the crystal is either a spiritual gift that you are chosen for a particular work or gazing crystals that you can see within. The use of these heavily phantom or fogged crystals is as excellent plant healers. The white quartz is the mother rock for the crystal and the crystals should be set on it. All the perceptions that you get through the crystals to the higher planes transcend our mental vision. The inner importance is that they advance us on the path. Your birthstone is important and it is one of the seven crystalline families. Tumbling of any of the healing stones increases the radiance and the beauty. The more reflected light from the colored stones, the more healing power there is in them.

096a Learning to work with crystals continued

The opal is a very great balancer of the emotions. It is absolutely necessary that you own a rose quartz if you have gone through any kind of child abuse because it accepts and loves itself. Pink tourmaline is excellent for those who suffer from loneliness. Turquoise stone balances emotional expression and helps communication. The lapis is to work on mental illusions. The Azurite stone helps to get away from limited concepts. Amethysts help to surrender the reasoning mind to intuition; hold it to the inner eye. The white quartz is used naturally to open the crown chakra. The ruby is always devotion to the divine ideal. The sapphires help the growth of the intuition. The use of the jade by itself is excellent for understanding the symbolism of the dream. The citrine is self-discipline and higher awareness and the topaz is for wisdom to do a lot with very little. Murshida describes how to use crystals to protect the force field of your body. Use the wasifas Ya Wali and Ya Vakil with the crystals for protection and peace. Apple cider vinegar is the finest thing to use for purification of the physical body. The crystal is lifted by man’s contemplation, concentration and meditation to its next evolutionary process. Never forget Ariel, archangel of light in our concentrations.

096b Learning to work with crystals continued

Light is the transformer and light is always victorious over darkness and the shadow. In Sufi work we are inhaling the light but it’s not so easy to program oneself to exhale light. Murshida Vera talks about the meditation on the temple of light practices, the cobra practices and the power of the glance. We are transformed through the power of the crystal kingdom. We are beings of light.