Murshida Vera Corda, Ph.D.

Children's Prayer

(9 to 12 year level)

Dear God, Heavenly Mother/Father
thank you for the beautiful world
you have given to me.

Give me an adventure today to find
little magic rocks in a creek bed or city driveway.
Let me discover your sparkling mineral kingdom.

As I give thanks for the food from your vegetable
kingdom, let me taste it's goodness and exhale
it's breath to feed each leaf and tree.

Oh, Lord, teach me to love my pets, play
with them their way, wrestle a throwing stick
from my dog's mouth, learn of your animal kingdom.

Give me true prayers and teach me to find
my peer group wisely that I may walk
the sunlight path that leads to thee alone.

May my superman be brave and true
and help me serve your creation
with joy. All praise and glory be.